How to Choose the Best Yoga School in Bali?

How to Choose the Best Yoga School in Bali?

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Bali, with its tranquil beaches, lush landscapes, and spiritual ambiance, is a prime destination for yoga enthusiasts. Selecting the best yoga school in Bali can enhance your practice and provide a profound experience. Here are some tips to help you choose the right yoga school:

1. Define Your Goals and Preferences

Identify Your Objectives:

  • Determine whether you want to deepen your personal practice, explore new styles, or pursue a teaching certification.

  • Decide if you prefer a traditional or modern approach to yoga.

Choose Your Yoga Style:

  • Identify the style of yoga that resonates with you, such as Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Yin, or Kundalini.

2. Research Accredited Schools

Yoga Alliance Registration:

  • Look for schools registered with the Yoga Alliance, ensuring they meet international standards for yoga teacher training.

Reputation and Reviews:

  • Read online reviews and testimonials from previous students on platforms like Yoga Alliance, TripAdvisor, and Google.

  • Check the school's reputation within the yoga community.

Experienced Instructors:

  • Research the qualifications and experience of the teaching faculty.

  • Look for instructors with a strong background in both practice and teaching.

3. Evaluate the Curriculum

Comprehensive Content:

  • Ensure the curriculum covers essential topics such as asana practice, pranayama, meditation, anatomy, philosophy, and teaching methodology.

Balance of Theory and Practice:

  • Look for a program that offers a balanced mix of theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

Specialization Options:

  • Check if the school offers specialized courses or workshops that interest you, such as yoga therapy, Ayurveda, or advanced asana practice.

4. Consider the Class Size and Learning Environment

Personalized Attention:

  • Opt for schools with smaller class sizes to ensure personalized attention and a supportive learning environment.

Community and Vibes:

  • Visit the school if possible to get a sense of the community and overall atmosphere.

  • Choose a place where you feel comfortable and welcomed.

5. Location and Facilities

Proximity to Nature:

  • Consider schools located in serene natural settings like beaches, rice fields, or mountains.

Quality of Accommodation:

  • Check the quality of accommodation provided, including cleanliness, comfort, and amenities.

  • Ensure the food offered is nutritious and aligns with your dietary preferences.

Facilities Available:

  • Look for schools with good facilities such as well-equipped yoga halls, libraries, and spaces for relaxation and self-study.

6. Program Duration and Schedule

Flexible Options:

  • Choose a program that fits your schedule, whether it’s a full-time immersive course or a part-time program spread over several months.

Intensity and Pace:

  • Ensure the program's intensity and pace align with your physical and mental preparedness.

7. Cost and Value

Transparent Pricing:

  • Check for transparency in pricing, including tuition fees, accommodation, meals, and any additional costs.

Scholarships and Discounts:

  • Inquire about scholarships, early bird discounts, or group booking discounts.

Value for Money:

  • Consider the overall value, not just the cost. A slightly more expensive program with excellent instructors and facilities may offer better value in the long run.

8. Post-Training Support

Mentorship and Guidance:

  • Look for schools that offer mentorship and support after you complete the course.

Alumni Network:

  • Check if the school has an active alumni network to help you stay connected and continue learning.

Job Placement Assistance:

  • Some schools offer job placement assistance or opportunities to teach at their studios or affiliated centers.

Recommended Yoga Schools in Bali

  1. The Yoga Barn:

    • Located in Ubud, offers a wide range of classes, workshops, and teacher training programs.

    • Known for its vibrant community and beautiful setting.

  2. Radiantly Alive Yoga:

    • Offers diverse classes and high-quality teacher training in Ubud.

    • Known for its experienced teachers and holistic approach to yoga.

  3. Samadi Bali:

    • Located in Canggu, offers Ashtanga yoga, workshops, and retreats.

    • Known for its focus on authentic practice and wellness.

  4. Bali Yoga School:

    • Offers comprehensive yoga teacher training programs with a focus on traditional teachings.

    • Known for its serene location and experienced faculty.

  5. Desa Seni School of Yoga:

    • Offers teacher training and retreats in a beautiful eco-village setting.

    • Known for its sustainability practices and community vibe.


Choosing the best yoga school in Bali requires thorough research, self-reflection, and careful consideration of various factors. By defining your goals, researching schools, evaluating curricula, and considering practical aspects, you can find a yoga school that aligns with your aspirations and provides a transformative learning experience. Bali's unique blend of natural beauty and spiritual energy makes it an ideal place to deepen your yoga practice or begin your journey as a yoga teacher.

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